Monday 20 June 2016

The creation of space called Evolvingminds and its significance to your child.
Dear Fellowtravellers,

“All I want to show people is how by mastering to architect your own imagination your can have a life that helps you to have mastery that leads to a significant living, naturally and effortlessly. This process leads us to be in deeper touch with our self”
- Anand, Founder Evolvingminds 
Happiness in seeing the smiles of youngminds
The narration below is written in a way that brings insights from my journey and distinguishes it as a value to the participants.  

The journey started when I was an 11-year-old boy who aspired to be on the moon.  May be to aspire that way was not in my hand. I was curious to learn and experiment with new things and was also more inclined at the philosophical nature of the ‘how things work’.  To search for the truth and to even know what it is was always a deep question in my life. Today I call it as MPQs (Mind Probing Questions). Today such questions are asked in the class and the participants are trained from foundation 4 onwards to discover their deep urge. I know what it means to recognize our deep calling!

During my school days I loved physics as I felt it was the only subject that gave me enough hope to understand nature.  I wanted to be a scientist and aspired to live like them. I always had good teachers who helped me when I was down. Apart from physics I was also passionate about history and the cultural perspective of human beings. I then decided I wanted to be a traveler- to go explore the world and the diversity of life and human nature. 

After schooling, I wanted to pursue a degree in physics, as it was my passion. However, I could study for only three months. As a young lad I did not have the courage to say no to Engineering. I realized later that the ability to speak about what we want with conviction is a transformation. Today in the class participants are empowered to speak about what they want. Sometimes our education is so bad that one has to think several times about what they want. I wish the system could change. 

I was an average student in my college days. I was very poor in my studies so much so that I needed to do my eighth grade twice. People said that I was a confused person and may not be able to study better. I know for them studying means security and stability. When people called me as a confused child I only said that I was an explorer. I was proud to tell people that I failed in the pursuit of finding my path. The path was my only goal.  In the true path to learning nothing is considered as a failure. When I was in school I never knew that one has to pursue one’s passion. I thought that things were already fixed. I never even knew that ‘choice’ exists for me. All I knew was that I wanted to become an engineer or doctor. Today in the class, participants are called “explorers” who discover their own path. They are given direction and guidance to find their path and we help them to discover that choice exists.
I graduated in engineering but I do not know if I was an engineer. I know that degree and practice are very different. I joined a manufacturing company and worked for two years. It is here I discovered that something called self-expression exists. I solved some defects in the manufacturing process and I was praised highly. For the first time I felt that someone could acknowledge me for what I am. I was given enough freedom to explore and rectify the defect. I started implementing my ideas and it worked successfully. The success came after much experimentation. It is those little moments that gave raise to self-expression. Then I started expressing myself more than ever and it grew by to build self-confidence. Then I quit the job to prepare for my studies in astrophysics. Today in the class participants are given enough encouragements to make attempts before arriving at a conclusion. This is a great way to prepare them towards building their self-confidence. 

When my self-confidence reached a threshold, I began to discover my path in this world.  I then choose to live my childhood aspirations as it was energizing me to take a step forward. My childhood aspiration was to become a scientist and a traveller. I then asked a question “How did humans have the ability to predict things in the nature?” I call this as my mind probing questions (MPQ) or thought provoking questions (TPQ) . It took some time for me to understand how scientists do their calculations. That is where I marveled the physical laws!  Today in the class they are taught in ways that bring out the wonder in nature through experiments.  To bring out the wonder in learning I researched a new method called “method of surprises”. This is a great way through which one recognizes the various assumptions that are holding them. Once these assumptions are broken then we get surprised. Surprise has a high energy that can be used to accelerate the learning process. Participants witness this in our class. 

I wanted to pursue astronomy and I did not know how to go about in achieving this feat.  All I had was the great willingness to learn. To do what one wants and to raise above all odds is a great obstacle one has to undergo in order to achieve mastery. I was in this phase of my life for four years. I started learning the basics of science in way scientists could discover. I never could learn this way in my school and college days. When I went to my native to learn for my aspirations then every word I read made sense and gave me hope. I discovered that there is a great joy in learning to do what we love.  Then I realized that learning was a meditation. Today in our class participants experience the joy of inventing. This will open up new possibilities for their life.  

I wanted to do research studies and I needed to qualify through certain examinations. I was successful in the second attempt. However I was not selected as people felt that there was no link among my degree, work experience and passion.  All I wanted was, to learn what I wanted in my life. The worldview is not the same.  This was a moment for me to recognize that there was some missing gap. I had a deep interest to pursue astronomy but on the other hand, I lacked skills and the knowledge to meet my passion. I was not good enough to qualify to do research. I recognized that there was a gap between passion and skill. I felt that in bridging this gap I have to put a lot of effort. I know I do not want to work to meet a requirement, as it was not natural for me. It should be effortless. Giving up was tough as I was attached too much to the outcome. My body did not respond to learn certain things I lacked. Continuing to do so was a huge stress. It took a year for me to choose a new path.  Today in the class participants are prepared to give skill required to meet their imagination - The tools required to learn to architect their imagination.

Then what? By grace of god I got an opportunity to work with children. I felt working with children was like working with my own childhood. I cherished every moment being with them. I felt that there was a greater joy in giving.  In a momentary silence with children during the class, I saw the echoes of my past through the eyes of the children and my life altered from then on. I have chosen my life towards contribution.  I said to myself let these children create a world as how they wanted to live with total expression. I felt this was a great gift. Evolvingminds was the name.  It is a space in every mind, which goes on to architect to its full potential.  Then the world would be a peaceful place to live in for not only our generation but for many a generations to come.  Today in the class, the participants whom I call as the Evolvingminds are prepared to create this great space in their mind. 
youngminds presenting their thoughts with courage

It took 10 years for this journey to be in a place what I aspired when I was an 11 year old boy. It is possible for anybody to be this way provided if the right nourishment is given at right time. They can do it faster and more efficiently. This will be the role of Evolvingminds in your child’s life. 
We do have a highly inspiring participant to make this journey. I have learnt more with them and still continue to learn.  Working with every participant gave me a diversified perspective about his or her life. 

Today we have developed a foundation journey for participants. The foundation journey is for eight years.  Every foundation is for one-year period. As we evolve we would have a far superior structure. 
It would be a great opportunity to participate to live your life effortlessly.  We focus on three factors in our foundation journey. 

a.    Knowledge about the right fundamentals in subjects. (Human wisdom) 
b.    Skills towards architecting ones imagination
c.    Effortless living by having the right perceptive towards living

If one has completed a foundation journey completely they will be given further opportunities to architect their passion depending on the participants urge for truth.  It would be an open environment for them to learn if they are in college. My vision is to provide such a platform for their evolution. 

 “All I want to show people is how by mastering to architect your own imagination your can have a life that helps you to have mastery that leads to a significant living, naturally and effortlessly. This process leads us to be in deeper touch with our self”

Sunday 15 May 2016

The Mentoring Philosophy

Evolvingminds is a future-driven education and research organization dedicated to preparing young minds for a dynamic future.  We strive to create awareness in young minds about their options to create a bright future, both for themselves and for mankind. We prepare these minds – Evolvingminds – to face the challenges of the future.
We use science education as a medium to lay the foundation for rational thinking and creative problem-solving. We teach through ‘The Discovery Process’. At Evolvingminds we guide the thought process of the child rather than forcing predetermined thoughts on them. We teach young minds in the age group of 6 to 15 years through thought-provoking questions, experiments, hands-on activities and projects in Sciences,  Mathematics and Technology.
We believe that every young mind is a genius and our Mentors work towards identifying their raw talent and moulding it. Known as ‘Mentees’ in our Programs, we believe it’s important to provide our Mentees with the right learning while they have fun. To focus their energy towards a creative future we need to address the dream of every Mentee effectively, without compromise. We, at Evolvingminds, guide them to create a vision. Such a Mentee has energy, courage, determination, and a hope for a better tomorrow. Our dream is to partner with you as a parent in making the dream of your child come true.
We build confidence in Mentees by encouraging them to question and guiding them to invent. We believe that the answer is at the heart of the question and methods such reverse engineering & analyzing a question helps Mentees discover answers and methods previously unknown to them. Such procedures excite them and give them the confidence they need in exploring further in our programs. Hence putting their ideas into practical application at a young age is an amazing breakthrough in their lives.
Small batches of up to 20 Mentees enables our Mentors in giving individual attention to each Mentee. We carefully choose our Mentors to ensure that, the ability to enhance the thinking process is focused on, rather than enhancing the Mentees’ education level. With a whole lot of worldly experience and an ocean of knowledge gained, our Mentors ensure that no stone is left unturned in the Mentees’ path to discovery, learning, progress and success.
We help Mentees to distinguish between opinions and facts through the use of scientific methodologies for breaking all wrong assumptions. Our teaching approach is uniquely designed to enhance holistic learning – developing both logical/reasoning and creative thinking abilities. At Evolvingminds, we consider building a rapport with Mentees, an amazing experience. It is a great challenge and that is what inspires us. We would like to create a platform for young minds where they can acquire the necessary thinking skills to emerge as future entrepreneurs.
We live in a world where our reactions to the external uncontrollable changes determine our success in life. Hence, there is a need to adapt and that is possible only when we are prepared to do so. We, at Evolvingminds inculcate Mentees with the right blend of temperament and scientific knowledge at an early age. This prepares them for all the challenges thrown at them as they head out into the world as Entrepreneurs. To have a process that enhances scientific temperament, it has to be centered on the experiences of the Mentee. This requires curiosity on the part of the Mentee, and they are most curious when they are surprised. Hence, we developed a “method of surprises” to initiate a scientific inquiry among them.
A learning forced by rote and by inducing fear does not remain with the young minds for long. They learn best from experience. Understanding fundamental principles and seeing them at work in our day-to-day life can make learning science a lot of fun! We, at Evolvingminds, also provide real-world exposure to the Mentees in the form of industrial visits and experiencing science & technology at work. This helps the students identify their areas of interest and plan a career path for their future.
Apart from Science, Mathematics and Technology, Mentees also receive life skills training, to shape them into confident, pro-active and sociable individuals. Advanced topics and global issues are discussed in a way that young minds can comprehend and participate pro-actively. Individual and teamwork projects, interactive videos, conferences and presentations ensure that a well-rounded learning is imparted.
Today’s young minds have tremendous awareness and numerous choices. This can make them very enthusiastic as well as confused. At Evolvingminds, the emphasis is not on what one knows but on the completeness of what one has learnt. The focus is on the Mentee’s sole intention and not the parents’ intention, thus providing for increased interest to gain experience. A fun approach to learning is practised, to enhance self-expression and improve self-confidence.
Mentees are sorted into batches not according to their age, but according to their level of thinking and ability to do things. There is no pre-requisite knowledge level for entry into the program. Not all Mentees are forced to understand all the concepts taught in class. Allowances are made for natural grasping powers of individual minds. We try to improve certain under developed skills and abilities in the Mentees, with complete participation from the parents.
As Mentees grow confident, develop good presentation and oratory skills while at Evolvingminds, they are able to open up to Mentors and share their experiences. This helps us understand their mindset better. This has helped us develop and continuously better ‘Conscious Parenting’, a program aimed at counselling parents via feedback during exclusive sessions and different means of communication, to help them understand their child better. We believe that the right bonding between parents and children is an absolute winner for parents and children alike. This helps the children be more forth coming with their parents, who in turn only encourage them and guide them instead of restricting them.
Our philosophy has been the cornerstone to the success of our programs. Mentees have come to love the experience of learning via discovery, their overall self-development and growth. Parents have been amazed at the success enjoyed by their children with our programs and a learning of their own about bonding, positive reinforcement and support by understanding their children better.
We at Evolvingminds learn every day from Mentees, Mentors & parents, and we can assure one thing. Without a doubt, this is definitely the future to learning and Evolvingminds is the one and only destination, now and in the future.